Retinoschisis (RS): Disease of the nerve tissue in the eye - affecting retinal cells in the macula
It is a form of a macular degeneration but many people with macular degeneration does not have retinoschisis.
Genetic eye disease; male
****- schisis: splitting; breaking up of attachement or adhesion***
- Decreased vision (central vision can be affected)
- Loss of peripheral vision
Different from retinal detachment.
Retinal detachments can occur if the anchoring of the outer layer of the retina to the eye wall is impaired (bubble inside the wall paper)
Macular degeneration: breakdown or damage to the macula
1) Dry type: Common +++ - tissue becomes thinned and cease to function properly
2) Wet type: damaging +++ caused by the growth of abnormal bv behind the macula. The bv hemorrhage or leak and scar tissue forms if left untreated. Dry type can turn to wet type.
- The loss of the ability to see objects clearly
- Vision that is noticeably distorted
- Straight lines appear wavy
- Objects may appear as the wrong shape or size
- The loss of clear, correct colors
- Difficulty reading or seeing objects up close
- A dark, empty area in the center of vision
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