Saturday, 26 January 2013

Jan 21 Lessons with Dr. J and Lumps and Bumps!

This morning, as any Monday morning, I proceeded with getting the patient in, taking pictures, giving brief instruction and la~la~

Let's talk about bumps and lumps. I've been meaning to cover this base for a long, long time!

1. Chalazion - Caused by blockage of a duct that drains meibomean gland -- NON-INFECTIOUS
Treatment: apply warm compresses for 10-15 minutes qid --> soften the hardened oils blocking the duct and promote drainage and healing
Prognosis: disappear without a treatment in a month or so; if it continues to get bigger - surgically remove oil gunk - another effect: big chalazion put pressures on cornea causing astigmatism

2. If infected --> Hordeolum or Stye (external hordeola). (THINK PIMPLE! PAINFUL!)
Meibomian gland/glad of Zeis or Moll + usually bacterial (staphylococcal) infection

3. Nevus ("birthmark" L - brown, freckle like spot): sharply circumscribed and chronic lesion of the skin. This flat, benign and pigmented area may appear inside the eye or on its surface. Commonly appear on the choroid (the layer behind retina, the iris, and the conjunctiva)

4. Conjunctival Papilloma: categorized into infectious (viral), squamous cell, limbal and inverted based on appearance, location, patient's age, propensity to recur after excision, and histopathology. They are also classified based on gross clinical appearance: pedunculated (infectious conjunctival papilloma and squamous cell papilloma) or sessile. 


5. AHC (Apocrine hidrocystoma) - also cystadenoma, moll's gland cyst, sudoriferous cyst:
Hidrocystoma is cysts of the sweat glands usually on the eye lids. It is NOT tumour (hidroadenoma is)
"Whether these represent retention of cysts or benign neoplasm is controversial. When these lesions become more complex with papillary structures and increased cellularity --> cystadenoma" (DermAtlas)

Shiny skin coloured compressible cyst (DermAtlas)

6. Syringoma: harmless sweat duct tumours clustered on eyelids (also found in armpits, ubmilicus, or vulva). They are skin-coloured or yellowish firm rounded bumps.

Syryngioma (eccrine)

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