Thursday, 26 April 2012


-          language tool of representation (language is a structured system of representation)

-          one way to think about language as representation  = signs

-          linguistic sign unites as a concept (signified) and sound-image (signifier)\

-          (linguistic sign) the relationship between signified and signifier is arbitrary

-          Language only a system of pure value : ideas and sounds

-          Language is not nomenclature, it allows us to perceive the reality

-          Language is a form connecting sound and thought

-          Language is a system of INTERDEPENDEN term in which the value of each term results solely from the simulataneous presence of others

o   Signs combined like links in 2 ways

o   Syntagmatic: all units present in articulation

o   Associative: related present in mind but absent from actual sequence

-          In language there are only differences that are positive

-          Ways in which value can be determined (how is value different from signification):

o   Dissimilar things exchanged for determined values

o   Similar things compared for determined value

-          Saussure’s linguistic distinction between language or the whole system as it exists on the abstract level (Langue and Parole)


-          Is language full and adequate expression of all realities?

-          Account of languages role in human cognition

-          Gap between first metaphor is big (subject and object)

-          Concept comes into being by making equivalent that is non equivalent


-          Words or even letters are signifiers – creating poetic effect

-          Language shapes experience


-          Thinks about metaphysics included in the language

-          Deconstruction not a theoretical metalanguage – western metaphtsics do binary opposition and hold one privileged over the other

-          Refute the idea that there is only one meaning – deconstruction; there are multiple meanings in the text, often opposite; for example in dissemination, he talks about Plato’s Phaedrus; recorded conversation between King and the God who gives writing as told from Socrates to ponder about writing and speech and in Plato’s phonocentricism, Derrida notes the irony that supremacy of speech is only told through writing (spoken signifier can contain the essence of its signified is logocentrism)

-          Il n’ya pas de hors-texte (there is nothing outside the text)

-          Supplement: talks about writing and supplement; why would we need it? (ie.// preface in the
book) – copy and original (when you read the text, your experience is repetition, copy of text; through copy original is defined

-          Trace and difference

o   Signifier (image-sound) works as a trace that gives the impression that a signified was prior to it

o   Difference  - verb to defer and to differ – shows the  temporal structure of language – always changing in more than one way

o   Signifier points to other signifiers

Lacan – agency of letter in unconscious

-          Conducted psychoanalysis using Saussure’s method

-          Unconscious is structured like language

-          Signifier can change you; signifier used  as treatment

-          Signifier priority over signified why? Because this sound-image structures out existence, so by talking you change something about yourself.

-          Language can transform meaning language is capable of deception

-          Language is possible of distorting meaning through 2 ways

o   Metaphor associated with resemblance – condensation (love like a rose)

o   Metonymy associated with no resemblance – replacement of something entirely different (sails/ hand)

-          Signifier replace one signifier with another

-          While Derrida says we can’t arrive to truth because one signifier other signifier, Lacan says opposite that since signifier can signify another signifier, we can arrive to truth. (or your truth exists somewhere)


Friday, 13 April 2012

From Interview with Krys Lee

The Gambler by Fyodor Dostoevsky; To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf; Beloved by Toni Morrison; One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez; Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie; When the Emperor Was Divine by Julie Otsuka; Catch-22 by Joseph Heller; Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, the poems of Elizabeth Bishop, W.S.Merwin, and John Ashberry; The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekov; the plays of Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams, Samuel Beckett, Martin McDonagh, and Martin Crimp, and the short stories of Charles D'Ambrosio and Lorrie Moore.

Monday, 9 April 2012


Although my days are pretty much the same:
Home (Computer,bed, eating, pee/pooing, occasionally house chores) -School-Store-Home...
I must be getting old.

The realization hit me when I was looking at postsecret website ( and then read that 1000 awesome things blog is ending after 4 years.

I was just looking through the posts and what got my attention was: #13 The first time a new friend calls you by your nickname (

Then I started think about any nicknames I have had/or given and decided to write a post because it is a nostalgic to think about these things. (Even though one is swamped with works....)


I tend to have a passing relationship with people (short term, temporary ladida) so I tend not to think too much about these things, because it makes me feel little sentimental.

The first nickname I had was when my neighbourhood kid N called me "Mare".
Noone else in my highschool called me. My name was sufficiently short (2 syllables) so no shortening required. But she did (!!)

My name in French means husband and my nickname.... a horse.


University! I met this older girl who always complimented me...I don't know why I guess it was her way of being friendly. Although I wanted to do many social things with her, it never came to that and she is now married now, according to the grapevine. (Tells how close I was with her).

Instead of my name, she would calle me "Toki". She told me I looked like a rabbit (...)

I didn't dislike the name but...she was the only person who called me that.


University again, I became quite close with this one girl who lived on the 4th floor of my residence. She had droopy eyes (?) and somehow, I started calling her "Ducky"

That's the end to that. Because I think I was the only one called her that. She was going out with one of the guy I knew and I never knew about this fact. I heard from a friend of a friend that she is now teaching English abroad.


Lot of my friends remind me of...gerbil (squirrel or hamster) or rabbit.
When I was talking in group with people, although I could match their faces with animal's no other could match my face with an animal. I guess I look too much like a human.

And then all the sudden, this one girl called me I looke like a "Beluga whale" because I was happy and white (...)

That was the one time and the only time I was called the beluga

** I told the other girl constantly that she looked like a "squirrel", but it wasn't a permanent nick name. I never called out to her saying squirrel.


I have a nickname for my little sister and it is vulgar in one sense.... thus I will not be sharing.
But that has to be the longest running nickname call-out by me. :D

That's it. Glad to get it out of my syste. Back to my research paper about Lacan and Freud!

Monday, 2 April 2012

As I get older..."Luxury to be able to afford justice."

As I get older...
I realized that the gap between myself and others and getting bigger.
Especially more so between students and people already making money

It is the scariest thing. We are no longer defined by how much we do well in our school.
But we are defined by everything. Salary, House, Car, Family and etc.
As a person from a lower income family and lower achiever end of the spectrum...

It made me sad.
For money, I thought I would gladly sell tobacco.
I would gladly endorse it.
At the same time I hated myself for thinking that.
With the article about tobacco company and their lost morals

I do realize that for a little profit, I would gladly do things immoral
Maybe I'll get fistful more of something.
Maybe I'll pretend not to notice when cashier gives me little more changes
Maybe I won't argue with banks, if they accidently put money in my account....

Just as in elementary school I told teacher that I didn't deserve the mark  I got (it was a math test and I realized that I had few wrong answers)
 but didn't argue back in university of a mark that I got that I didn't think I deserved.
My moral standard totally depended on whether or nor I could indulge myself to that

To indulge myself to justice so I beleive
To indulge myself to morality that I believe.
I need luxury to do that.

That's why I think my dream of want to be a professional has become little distorted as I got older.

 about World's happiest countries:

Happier countries tend to be richer ones. But more important for happiness than income are social factors like the strength of social support, the absence of corruption and the degree of personal freedom.
•Unemployment causes as much unhappiness as bereavement or separation. At work, job security and good relationships do more for job satisfaction than high pay and convenient hours.
•Behaving well makes people happier.
•Mental health is the biggest single factor affecting happiness in any country. Yet only a quarter of mentally ill people get treatment for their condition in advanced countries and fewer still in poorer countries.
•Stable family life and enduring marriages are important for the happiness of parents and children.
•In advanced countries, women are happier than men, while the position in poorer countries is mixed.
•Happiness is lowest in middle age.

 I want a career where it will allow me to develop as a better person everyday
I want a career where I learn something everyday
I want a career that I won't be ashamed to

Most of all.
I want a career that allows me a luxury... sort of layback attitudes that rich has.
Luxury to live my life as I believe, as myself.
Living with justice and morality.

Luxury to be able to afford justice.