Saturday, 29 September 2012

Most relaxing weekend.

Everything going back to normal now (at least the work and research-wise), or rather lax with the vacation certain someone is taking ;)

However, I am still in midst of submitting application for U of W, U of A, U of C and U of T, Q and M.
I realize right now...even though it is most expensive (therefore torturous), it would probably be my happiest moment, being all hopeful and all. I shudder at the thought when my fate becomes sealed.

This year and next year might be ok (financially!) but what about afterwards? Not having profession, not putting my education to use, not doing....

I shudder at the thought...about the failure and gloom future.

Another thing I am most looking forward might be the life as a student.
No real responsibility of an adult I suppose, or postponing it.

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