Thursday 15 March 2012


Structuralism is all about unerstanding concepts through their relations to other concepts, rather than concepts having a kind of intrinsic meaning, in isolation from each other
Thus for structuralists, meaning is produced through difference

Concept                           signified
----------                --->    -----------
sound-image                    signifier

where siginifier and signified is arbitrary
In Language, there are only differences. Even more important, a difference genreally implies positive terms between whcih difference is set up but in language, there are only differences without positive terms

Structuralism is liked by Lacan
Structuralism is attacked by Foucault (taught Derrida; talk about postmodernism...about Parody and Pestiche) and Derrida

Deconstruction: there is no outside texts and texts often mean the opposite of what they claim. But it cannot be equally applied from text to text.
Difference!!! Supplement!!!!

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