Monday, 14 May 2012


There are long-term goals and short-term goals.
By not having any commitment, I make myself available, but I wonder now if that's a good thing.

What I want to say to people around me (at the store) what I will be doing this year proudly. instead. of making weird faces and mumbling "oh~ I don't know"
I want to be able to open my facebook again so I can creep up people to see what they have been up to.
I want closure? I want to be able to move on with my life (in the wanted direction of course...not the other way such as repeating this year), instead of being a parasite and showing my little sister, how pathetic her older sister is (no job, no money to buy home the list is endless!).

I want to not having to update my freelancing website every 15 minutes to see if a new job has come up, excited at the prospect and become crestfallen to see that another bidder was selected instead (who had bidden higher than me too, as an extra punch). I want the freedom to enjoy the time off (travel? that I would do!), instead of being all anxious and wasting the day so treasured by those that passed away a day before.

I don't want plan B

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