Thursday 17 May 2012

Working on short projects make me feel little more confident, little more worthy, and little more alive. (also the fact that I decided to write 1000 words/day and has not even started  was addressed partially with this work which ended up being 4000+ words)


Today I worked on essay questions/answers wrote by a mom for her son and at first I was little disturbed by words of her choosing and found it quite hysterical because it was so generic and stereotypical. 
However, I did find it little heart warming and son's achievement was quite amazing too... To be able to achieve such high grade. Perhaps it was my jealousy, because son also aimed to be a doctor being born in the family of doctors. I could feel bitterness in my tongue when I describe it to my mom.

And then much after midnight (after submitting) I visited post secret to kill my time (sorry time, it's not that I want to kill you, but it sort of just happens blame my sloth!) I saw this postcard evil, bad mouthing self melting

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