Monday 14 January 2013

Time after work

During the last surgery,

We ended up talking about life of medical school students, its ridiculous aspect ("how unfortunately organized! when I was at medical school... ") and of being rushed with its intense curriculum ("you start electives right after second year. My daughter will start hers after her school is done in May, back here")

He said, "Now if you get into medical school this year, all you've done here will stay as a valuable experience (I think it went on like this and I agreed) enjoy the time after the work (yes, this is the only true free time that is mine and mine alone) and read all you want and spend time with friends (I feel like since I have so much time, right now is the time to make friends, make valuable memories and perhaps find a ... mate)." As you will be too busy when you get into medical school...too busy studying, since it will be overwhelming, intense and lots of information."

Friends... making wonderful memories with people that I like.

am I making good use of my time?

I don't think so.

I come back home...tired, eat and watch stuff until it is 8 or 9.
Fall asleep.

I know I ought to do something more meaningful with my time.

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