Friday 11 January 2013

Place to travel series 1: Bolivia - Gran Salar de Uyuni

World's largest salt flat at 10,582 square km.
Located in the Potosi and Oruro departments in South west Bolivia,
this place contains 50-70% of the world's lithium reserves, which is in the process of being extracted.

*Medical note: Li+ is used to treat bipolar disorder as it is a mood-stabilizing drug both acutely and in the long term. Lithium carbonate(Li2CO3), sold under several trade names, is the most commonly prescribed. However, interesting to note that  in 2009, Japanese researcher reported that low levels of naturally occurring Li+ in drinking water supplies reduces suicide rates and when you look at World Health Record, suicide is the 41st cause of death in Bolivia. Supposedly proportionally high number of people commits suicide in this country. However, the fact that Bolivia is a Latin America countries with the lowest income (GDP of $4500) and highest native presence and frequent alcohol abuse disorder should not be undermined (Arroyo, The Mental Health in Bolivia -draft:

One of the places I want to visit before I die.

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